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Touch a Truck 2024 Sponsors
Touch A Truck - Feed A Family
October 12, 2024
This unique community wide event is held on the first Saturday in October. It’s designed for children and adults to see, touch, learn and interact with dozens of fascinating vehicles. Touch a Truck will include ambulances, fire trucks, cranes, dump trucks, school buses, 18 wheelers, antique cars, radio controlled vehicles, and maybe a helicopter or hot air balloon! An inflatable playground, as well as many other children’s activities will be onsite for children of all ages to enjoy. Touch a Truck will also feature entertainment, prizes, community booths, an envelope game, a silent auction, and lots of good food. Admission to the event is free, but a jar of peanut butter for LCM’s food pantry or a monetary donation of choice would be gratefully accepted. Everyone is welcome at the Longview Mall parking lot for this annual event.
Souper Bowl of Giving
2024 Winners
Church Division : First Lutheran Church
Business Division:
Texas Bank and Trust
Civilian Division:
Cruz Wilson and Friends

Longview Community Ministries kicks off “Souper” Bowl Sunday activities the week prior to the Super Bowl. The mission of the annual event is to encourage our community to join the fight against hunger and poverty. Groups and individuals celebrating the “Souper” Bowl will collect canned goods and non-perishable foods for the food pantry at LCM. Barrels or bags are available to collect canned goods at your party.
Too Hot To Cook
June 3, 2025
This event is held the first Tuesday in June. The Food Box is the largest food pantry in Longview. Longview Community Ministries is asking that you show your support and let someone else do the cooking! This event is held on the first Tuesday in June and is sponsored through various restaurants that make a donation to LCM’s Food Box.
Coats for Kids Drive
November 15, 2025
Coats for Kids is an annual event held on the second Saturday in November to provide warm coats for school age children. Participating dry cleaners collect donated new and gently used coats from the public and unclaimed coats from schools. Caps, scarves and gloves have been added to ensure that kids stay warm. Area retailers sell coats at a discount to LCM so all sizes are available on the "Coats for Kids" day. You can help with the Coats for Kids program by collecting gently used coats during the year, especially small child sizes, and donating them at designated dry cleaners in October. A list of participating dry cleaners will be published in September.

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